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10410: New to IBM Z NetView? What You Need to Know
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Service Delivery, Network Security & Management
If you are new to IBM Z NetView in some capacity, then this session is...
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10413: Network Crypto Discovery Using zERT
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Service Delivery, Network Security & Management
z/OS Communications Server's IP Security feature provides an essential...
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10376: Navigating the IBM Z AI Landscape
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: New and Innovative Technologies, Machine Learning/AI
Join us for a guided tour through the various on-ramps to leveraging AI...
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16138: MVS logger: push your logs up the stream
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Ever wondered how logstreams work? Who uses them? How to define them?...
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10116: Must Do Mainframe with Broadcom Mainframe Essentials
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Sometimes you have more work than you or seven dwarves can accomplish....
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10398: MQ Q-Sharing Group - Help With Workload Skewing
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, MQ
MQ Shared queues and workload distribution A perpetual problem,...
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10401: MQ Performance and Internals on z/OS
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, MQ
This session explains what goes on in the ?black box? known as the...
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10392: MQ High Availability - What Are The Options
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, MQ
MQ can be configured as a very highly available environment. But there...
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10405: MQ Automation with Ansible Playbooks
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, MQ
This session introduces Ansible and discusses how Ansible Playbooks can...
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10237: Modernize and Secure Your Mainframe Networking
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Communications Server
Are you still running classic SNA protocols across your network? Do you...
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10526: Maximize Your z/OS Support Experience
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Problems inevitably happen in a z/OS environment, and the z/OS Support...
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10518: Managing resources in JES2
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Do you sit up at night worrying if your JES2 is going to run out of...
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10512: Look at the Changes in z/OS 3.1 Change Tracker!
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
z/OS Change Tracker is designed to deliver real-time, system-wide...
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10335: LinuxONE Hybrid Cloud Integration Test Quarterly Update
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Linux
"The IBM LinuxONE Hybrid Cloud Integration Test team runs many customer...
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10284: Leveraging LWORM to Enhance Your zSystems Resiliency
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Hardware
Join IBM as we highlight how the LWORM functionality within the...
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10513: Let's Get z/OS Up and Running on The IBM z16
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
This session will review the actions to get z/OS up and running on the...
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10475: The NIST Gist: The Cybersecurity Framework Meets z/OS
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Service Delivery, Security and Compliance
From Quantum-safe ciphers to protection profiles and its cybersecurity...
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10642: Learn From the Past With Db2 Utility History
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, Databases
Hear from the project lead about the ins and outs of information...
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10421: Killer Crypto on Go on z/OS
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, Open Source
Go is the fastest-growing programming language in the world. IBM's SDK...
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10294: Keeping the IMS Catalog Healthy: Utilities
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, IMS
The IMS catalog is coming. To an IMS near you! It just a Database ?...
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10132: Join us for a Vantage Roundtable!
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Storage Management
In this session we review recent deliverables, current development...
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10515: JES2 z/OS 3.1 Product Update and Latest Status
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Have question about the new features added z/OS 3.1 for JES2? Want...
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10553: ISPF Hints, Tips, and Recent Updates
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
In this session, the speaker will provide some hints and tips for...
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10229: IP Routing on z/OS, Part 1 of 2: The Basics
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Communications Server
In this session we will introduce IP routing from a z/OS point of view....
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10415: IP Packet Filtering and IPsec on z/OS
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Service Delivery, Network Security & Management
z/OS Communications Server's IP Security feature provides an essential...
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10504: Introduction to z/OS Containers
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
This session provides an overview of the various container...
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10238: Introduction to z/OS Communications Server
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Communications Server
Are you relatively new to the communications area and want a...
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10645: Introduction to Optimizer Statistics
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, Databases
The Db2 Catalog contains lots of values which help the Db2 Optimizer...
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99749: Introduction to IBM SMF Explorer
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Performance and Capacity Management
IBM SMF Explorer is a data access and analysis toolkit designed to help...
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10289: Integrating the Cloud: Part 1 - Synchronous Callout
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, IMS
Integrating the Cloud: Part 1 ? Synchronous Callout -- Presented by...
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10600: Integrating Cloud Objects in your Batch Processing
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Storage Management
The DFSMS utility, GDKUTIL, provides a method to easily retrieve...
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10564: Installing z/OS 3.1 Using z/OSMF Software Management
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, z/OS Systems Programming
Are you planning to install z/OS 3.1? Do you know how to install z/OS...
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10296: IMS High Availability Integration for APIs and Web Applications
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Application Development, IMS
As requirements for integrating distributed TCP/IP requests to the IBM...
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10274: IBM z16 HMC Sustainability or Security? How about both!
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Core Platform, Hardware
This session will address the new Hardware Management Console (HMC)...
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10414: IBM Z NetView Configuration for Rookies and Beyond
Tags: Proceedings, SHARE Orlando 2024, 2024
Categories: Service Delivery, Network Security & Management
Do you ever wonder what IBM Z NetView recommends for its product...
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