LIVE: LinuxONE and Linux on z Systems Capacity and Solution Planning
Project and Program:
Linux & VM,
SHARE San Jose 2017
Linux on z Systems is very popular among existing z Systems customers (and some customers new to the platform) for both server consolidation and for providing 'front-end' services for z/OS, z/TPF, and z/VSE customers. However, determining how large a LinuxONE or z Systems server is required can be quite complex as you can't just map RPEs, rPerfs, or non-z cores to the number of z cores (IFLs) required. Similarly, the memory and I/O design of z Systems servers are very different from non-z servers. You also have to take into account the hypervisor that will be used (PR/SM, z/VM, or KVM for IBM z), the Linux distribution (SUSE SLES, Red Hat RHEL, Ubuntu), and whether or not the applications you require will run on a z Systems server. This presentation will provide guidance on the planning that has to be done to ensure that the right-sized z Systems server is selected.-Jim Elliott-GlassHouse Systems Inc.
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